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Did you know that many of the issues that you are experiencing in your current life may have their root cause in your past lives? Our subconscious mind (our soul) records and remembers everything that we have ever experienced, not only what we have experienced during our current life but also, everything that we experienced during lives that we may have lived hundreds or even thousands of years ago or more. These stored memories can reappear throughout our lives and may even cause issues during our current lives unless they are released.
We have experienced many traumatic and upsetting situations throughout our many lifetimes. The traumas that we experience often create blockages in our energy bodies. These past traumas and blockages can lead to a host of issues in our current lives, including but not limited to: fears, phobias, health issues, aches, pains, illness, disease, allergies, mishaps, accidents, problems in relationships, being overweight, and even financial problems, and many other issues.
For example, if one were to experience a serious blow to the head during a past life, they may experience headaches, sinusitis, etc. during their current life. If one were to experience an injury to the leg during a past life, they may experience pain, charlie horses, or a limp in the leg, or they may experience difficulty with walking, etc. during their current life.
Since our subconscious mind (our soul) remembers everything that we have ever experienced, the memories of our traumas continue to accumulate layer upon layer until we release them. The more traumas that we experience, the more issues we may have during our current lives. Sometimes simply viewing a past life is sufficient to heal from past life traumas. However, sometimes one may need to release the traumas through healing.
Regression therapy is one such healing technique that may be used to heal our past lives. The healing takes place at the root cause of the issue and also heals all subsequent issues that have occurred after the root cause that are related to the issue leading all the way up to the present moment.
Remember, the person that you are today is a combination of everyone you have ever been. Your current life, as well as, your past lives shaped the person that you are today. Exploring who you were in the past is a window into a part of who you are today!
About The Author:
Trish LeSage is a best selling author of books on metaphysics, parallel universes (alternate realities), ascension to higher consciousness, and body-mind-spirit topics. She has written four books: "Meditations For Past Lives, Starseeds, Soul Mates and Beyond"; "Manifesting Success In Relationships, Career, and Business Via Numerology"; "Traveling To Parallel Universes"; and "How To Achieve Fifth Dimension Consciousness". She also helps people to explore their past lives. More information about her work is available on her website at
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