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The Gassho meditation helps the Reiki practitioner move into a state of stillness and quietness; allowing him/her to ground and connect to the Universal Life Force Energy before a Reiki session or any activities that require to be fully aware and present. This meditation incorporates the Reiki ideals and brings awareness and discipline to the mind.
Gassho literally means “two hands coming together”. It is a very simple meditation that anyone of any age can practice. It can be done alone or in a group; before a Reiki session or when getting up in the morning. Dr. Usui taught this meditation and Gassho was practiced at the beginning of each of his Reiki sessions or workshops.
Practicing Gassho meditation in a group for 20 to 30 minutes increases the energy far beyond the number of participants. It is a wonderful experience that leaves everyone enlivened and energised.
Gassho Practice:
1) Sit down in a comfortable position with closed eyes; hands placed together in front of your chest in a relaxed prayer position with your fingers slightly apart and your thumb to your heart.
2) Bring your focus to your middle fingers; forgetting everything else.
3) Take a deep breath and open your mind.
4) Take another deep breath and align with your heart chakra.
5) Take a 3rd breath and connect with the Universal Life Force Energy or call in the Reiki.
6) Keep your focus and awareness on your middle finger and recite the 5 Reiki principles. “I give thanks for my many blessings; I will not worry; I will not be angry, I will do my work honestly and I will be kind to myself, others and all living things.
7) Rest your focus on your middle fingers; allowing Reiki to bring stillness and quietness to your mind. Open your heart to the Energy of Reiki and center yourself in a place of peace and gratitude.
8) When closing the Gassho meditation bring your hands to your forehead and bow your head in gratitude.
If you mind drifts away and starts making grocery lists or preparing for the next day; bring your awareness back to your middle finger and brush away these thoughts.
During Gassho, you may experience heat, cold, tingling or vibrations. Don’t let yourself be influence by it. Acknowledge the experience and let it go. Return your focus to your middle fingers and continue your meditation.
To learn more about Reiki, energy work and oracles visit my facebook page “Intuitive Oneness Centre” or my website:
Ariane Levesque Looker
Usui Reiki Master/Teacher
Intuitive Oneness Centre
Twitter: @intuitiveonenes
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