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Several years ago, as I was taking my initial steps along my spiritual pathway, I was gifted a book called ‘The Teachings of Silver Birch’ by a family friend who knew I was reading everything I could get my hands on. It was an exceptionally generous gift as information on reincarnation thirty years ago in the Australian State of Tasmania was still very difficult to come by.
This precious book was a channelled work by the-now famous Hannan Swaffer, a well-known medium who channelled a being by the name of Silver Birch. Swaffer, best known for his work as a journalist in Britain channelled information that would later became several books in the 1930’s and helped to start the Spiritualist movement that flourishes today.
It was Silver Birch who explained reincarnation, God, the Spirit World and a great deal of other knowledge that is now central to Spiritual teachings and are even today are echoed throughout many contemporary and better known spiritual works.
One of the topics that made Silver Birch so interesting to me, that resonated with me and made sense to me was his explanation of our ability to only to reincarnate, but to do so in many bodies at once.
The traditional understanding of reincarnation by the majority of reincarnation researchers and teachers – Edgar Cayce being the most famous example – is that we are born into one body, we die and we come back. It was Silver Birch who was among the first to explain the concept of so-called ‘parallel lives’ or ‘split incarnations’: Souls who were incarnate in more than one body at a given moment in time.
Silver Birch’s explanation made perfect sense to me. We as Souls have work to do and we simply cannot achieve everything we need to achieve in one body and one lifetime. This is especially true now with the energies changing so rapidly and more work than ever needing to be done in order for Souls to help to help one another and our planet.
Although it is relatively rare for me to see clients who report this phenomenon, it is my belief that this is far more common than we realise. My conversations with other past life regression practitioners lead me to believe that from the evidence they have from their clients that our work as Souls is far deeper, broader and infinitely more complex than anyone yet fully understands.
In my own experience, there are two clients who come to mind that I believe illustrate just some of how this beautiful and powerful function of the Soul operates.
The first client, who I will call Sarah, came to see me to explore the possibility of her being what we call a ‘Walk-In’, or someone who has, for whatever reason, made an agreement with another Soul to let that Soul take over the body while the first Soul exits.
There are some reincarnation researchers, like hypnotherapist Dolores Cannon, who believe that although this is exceptionally rare, that this is very real and does happen. Others, mainly those whose work is based around channelling rather than work with hypnosis, believe that this never happens, that it is always the same Soul, but a different aspect of that Soul.
My client explained that several years ago, after a very difficult childhood to middle adulthood that she had needed to have an operation after a severe illness. Immediately after the operation, not only was her health improved but her entire personality had undergone a transformation that others close to her commented on and that she could not explain. She described feeling stronger, more confident, assertive, fearless and healthier. In short, completely different to the person she had been prior to the operation.
I took her through a couple of lifetimes that her Higher Self allowed her to see in order to understand the patterns in her relationships that had led to the difficulties she had experienced in this lifetime. The Higher Self then came to speak with me and explained the concept of so called ‘split incarnations’ or ‘parallel lives’ in the most beautiful and simple way which it has stuck with me to this day.
Sarah’s Higher Self explained that our Souls are like a string of pearls. We have several ‘pearls’ on our own unique necklace and that at any given time, we could have several ‘pearls’ inhabiting different bodies.
What these pearls represent of course, are different aspects of a Soul’s consciousness, all being expressed in different ways in order to perform a number of things necessary to a Soul’s growth and evolution.
In Sarah’s case, the aspect of her consciousness that had been with her body since birth was weaker and less able to cope with the circumstances that she had experienced in her lifetime up until her operation. When Sarah had the operation, it was decided to allow another, stronger aspect, or ‘pearl’ on the string to step in and take over instead. Same Soul, different aspect. Not a ‘Walk-In’.
One of the Soul’s main purposes is in being able to continue to function effectively in a body, to be able to continue the work that it planned so carefully prior to incarnation. In Sarah’s case, some fairly drastic and unusual steps were taken to ensure that Sarah was able to continue with that particular lifetime. We as Souls take our work very seriously as do our guides who invest a lot of time and energy in preparing a particular lifetime, with its unique lessons and outcomes, not only for that individual but for those around them and they will do whatever they can do to ensure success. The switch that was made in Sarah’s case meant that that Soul could continue its work in that lifetime, in that body with little disruption. It had been decided that the substitution would replace a more feminine aspect of Sarah’s Soul for a stronger aspect, and Sarah’s own family often commented that she seemed more ‘masculine’ since the operation.
While Sarah’s soul took the unusual step of allowing one ‘pearl’ to be replaced by another in the same body, it is far more common for these ‘pearls’ to inhabit different bodies at the same time. There is debate about the number of aspects that our Souls can have incarnate at once. It depends on the Soul: how powerful that Soul is, how experienced it is, its individual stage of evolution, what it needs to achieve and the Guides it has. There are some Souls who may have only a couple of ‘splits’ and others whose splits number in the hundreds. And that’s only counting the ones on Earth. It’s also important to note that not everyone has a split, or needs to do the work at the same level.
Sarah found it very helpful to have this information. It’s also interesting to note that prior to our session, Sarah had not heard of the phenomenon of ‘splits’ so this was as much of a surprise to her as it was a more satisfactory explanation for what she had experienced than the idea she had come up with herself.
At our highest level, we are all very wise, loving beings who have a greater understanding of ourselves and one another than our individual consciousness can ever have without some help to access that inner wisdom and guidance. Just why we choose to incarnate, in how many bodies and the lessons all those different aspects may be learning may never be revealed to us in its entirety, at least while we are still incarnating, but just to understand that this is what happens, this is how we work, leads us to a wonderful understanding of ourselves and all our infinite possibilities.
You can read part 2
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