Sandra Musser, Canadian, living in Mount Shasta, California...the root chakra of the world. Sixteen years ago, I underwent a major spiritual transformation after a period of deep forgiveness. This process sent me on a path of personal searching I could never have predicted. By chance I discovered I had an amazing gift as a talented artist without ever having had a lesson. Some of my art can be seen at
Throughout my entire body an awareness acute sensitivity to the vital energy within, and the energy emitted from all things. It
felt completely natural like I was home at last. This feeling of oneness radiated a joy that is not of this world. This unexpected journey began after an unconditional act of forgiveness.
The spiritual significance of the Maya and 2012 surfaced as well. For years I gathered information and travelled to the Yucatan. My website, is a culmination of my search both inner and outer. I am truly excited about humanities spiritual prospects with the coming Great Cycle change. Stay tuned for more uplifting articles.
My Articles
Sun,03 Jul 2011
By Sandra Musser Weaver
Think positive thoughts...has been the mantra by mental health experts and motivational gurus for some time. But, it's the suppress...Read More
Mon,07 Mar 2011
Kundalini Energy Moves When the Masculine and Feminine Energies are in Alignment
By Sandra Musser Weaver
Kundalini Energy is the divine feminine creativ...Read More
Sat,12 Feb 2011
Survival Food Isn't About Surviving...But Thriving
By Sandra Musser Weaver
Storing survival food in large quantities is not the answer to surviving the gr...Read More
Sat,19 Jun 2010
The new world order is said to be run by an illusive group of powerful families who are part of the Illuminati. They control the worlds finances, cause discord with governments, arrange assassinations...Read More
Mon,31 May 2010
By Sandra Musser
The sacred book the Popol Vuh, was written long before Cortez came to Central America. It most likely had it's beginnings in Izapa an anci...Read More
Wed,26 May 2010
Sandra Musser, Canadian, living in Mount Shasta, California...the root chakra of the world. Sixteen years ago, I underwent a major spiritual transformation after a period of deep forgiveness. This pro...Read More
Mon,24 May 2010
By Sandra Musser
The power of forgiveness is the key to peace, health and happiness.
So what makes forgiveness so powerful? True forgiveness purges a ne...Read More
Tue,18 May 2010
By Sandra Musser
The Mayan predictions are far from 2012 doomsday prophecies. The Maya say we will be leaving a time of darkness to enter an era of light a...Read More
Sun,09 May 2010
By Sandra Musser
Rainbow children are Christ-consciousness reincarnated. These special children represent the most recent rise in consciousness of our spec...Read More
Mon,12 Apr 2010
by Sandra Musser
The present Age of Pisces values are being wiped out causing unprecedented change in our lifetime...We're not done yet! The more dominant ...Read More
Sat,03 Apr 2010
The Maya say the present Great Cycle began on August 13, 3114 B.C. It will end and begin again on December 21, 2012. Great Cycle changes cause tremendous u...Read More
Mon,22 Mar 2010
Mount Shasta located in Northern California is a destination for mystics, gurus, sages and curious people from all over the world. Unexplained stories are endless. This enormous mountain is endeared b...Read More
Fri,08 Jan 2010
Astrology history records the cycles of earth's journey since the 3rd Millennium B.C. These cycles show how we've been led divinely to this point of choice prior to 2012. What are the choices? Will we...Read More
Thu,31 Dec 2009
By Sandra Musser
The serpent or snake is revered by many cultures for much the same reasons. The snake is associated with both negative and positive, or du...Read More
Mon,21 Dec 2009
Five Ways to Find Inner Peace in This Time of Turmoil
by Sandra Musser
To find inner peace should be the top goal on everyone's list. It's the only way ...Read More
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