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Stephanie Bell
Healing our Planet, Healing our past As I said goodbye to another female client recently, I was once again struck by the familiarity of her story.
We all hold hidden grief, and prior to her session hers was of the kind that let her know that deep down, though she could not explain it, or pinpoint it accurately, something was not right. It was not affecting her relationships with a loving husband and two grown children, nor her ability to run a successful business or contribute to her community through service. Several years ago, though, she had had a car accident which, although fortunately not serious, had left her with discomfort in her lower back. As she shared her story with me over almost two hours, I had a good idea why this accident had happened as well as the reason why, whenever she had contact with her father, her back would seize and leave her temporarily paralysed.
Gradually, over the past few years, my client, who I will call Anne, had begun to piece together memories, which was like trying to catch smoke: she had little wisps of information but nothing concrete or substantial. A couple of healers and therapists over the years had frightened her with their assertions that she was a victim of child abuse and rather than helping her, this had made her feel upset, confused and angry.
She had written to her father, now living in a country far away, married to a very young woman, the same age in fact as his own granddaughter, for explanation, reason, comfort. She received nothing; though crucially, not even a denial.
I explained to Anne that there may be many reasons for her memories and told her that the Higher Self only lets us see what we need to see in order to help us. I also reassured her that if we did come across the kinds of events she was concerned were hiding in her sub conscious that she would not need to re-experience them, but just observe. Above all, whatever she saw or experienced would provide her with answers and therefore healing.
As can happen to people who have experienced trauma and abuse in a current lifetime, Anne went back to experience herself as a young child and although we did not see any actual abuse occurring, it was clear from what she told me that this was what was taking place. She was able to describe the apartment where the abuse had taken place, the food she had been given after one such incident, but was mercifully spared details of any abuse itself. The description of her feelings of nausea, terror and being rooted to the floor, unable to move, were enough. Instead she saw her father telling her that they had a secret that she must not share. After we had allowed her to release the energy of these memories, she ‘jumped’ backwards, to another lifetime as a young woman in Africa. She was an eldest daughter in a family who did not seem to have a mother, so she was expected not only to play that role to her younger sister, but also wife to her own father, who was from the same father as she has in her current lifetime. Although she was very unhappy, she had sought to protect her younger sister from being treated in the same manner as the father was treating her. This younger sister was from the same soul as her mother in this lifetime, who unfortunately it seemed did not realise this had happened to her daughter and had not been able to provide the same protection for her.
When I asked Anne’s Higher Self, it confirmed that Anne’s car accident was connected with the abuse, a sign of injury or trauma affecting the lower energy centres. It said it would provide healing for her, which it proceeded to do. Not by coincidence, the accident occurred at around the same time as Anne’s mother had passed away. Anne was being made ready to begin her journey into healing herself fully and the mother’s passing released some of the energy that was keeping the information from coming up in Anne’s conscious mind.
I wish I could say that Anne’s story is a rare one; that I chose it because it is unusual. Sadly, I chose this story as it represents so many other, similar stories I hear from my clients. The details all vary, of course, but the effect on the individual is the same. Pain, most often physical, and often mani

Past Life Regression Convention
fested in the lower part of the body. Emotional pain, and though many women, such as Anne, go onto live apparently normal lives, there is always some kind of effect. For Anne, this manifested itself in the need to control: herself, her children, her employees. Then, finally her soul communicated with her by allowing her to experience a car accident: Spirit’s idea of a wakeup call when for whatever reason we don’t listen.
But at an even deeper level, at the soul level, we can see where the suffering really does endure. For Anne, it was at least two lifetimes of falling victim to a sexual predator. This affected not only her, but those around her, and even, though I am of course only guessing here, the soul who became the predator. This MUST affect these souls, who time after time, life after life, are victims of their own behaviour, the inability to be responsible for their own desires and the cruelty they justify as a result.
If we consider for a moment the far broader issues here: the vast numbers of women and children that this kind of thing has happened to, not just one lifetime, but many, and we consider the numbers of people and here I include children of either gender, as well as men, then you cannot help but wonder how this may affect humanity as a whole.
When we are prepared to look at everyone as a whole, united in spirit from the same Source, then surely these acts of violence and betrayal that ripple out across time, must also be sending waves of anger, violence and sexual predation, throughout everything, including our planet. When rape and sexual violence occurs, it says to the Earth, our Divine Mother, that we do not care for ourselves, our children or for her. It communicates to her that we do not value the vessels that give life – women, nor do we value the lives we create – children. When we hurt one another, we also hurt the Earth and when we hurt the Earth, we in turn are also hurt. It then becomes another cycle, of hurt, abuse and more hurt.
Cycles are natural, and occur everywhere in Nature, but it is these unnatural cycles that we have created that are keeping humanity so stuck: stuck in repeated patterns of violence, unforgiveness, pain. We then have to create and recreate lifetimes specifically to deal with these issues, to attempt to release those aspects of our consciousness from slavery of our own making. How do we break those cycles? For me, the answer is by having knowledge of ourselves and being able to choose differently. This is why past life regression can be such a powerful tool for healing.
The only thing I know I can do to contribute to healing of this energy is to provide an opportunity for women – or anyone for that matter, though it is women who come to see me, help them to heal themselves.
Spirit is well aware of this problem and is seeking ways to help also. I was shown not long ago in a very powerful session, just how serious they are and how Spirit can work to achieve what is needed. I took another woman through two lifetimes. In the first one, she experienced seeing herself as a child who was enslaved and abused by a church organisation. She then ‘jumped’ to another lifetime and witnessed herself as part of a family where sexual abuse was taking place. The perpetrator from both lifetimes had once again shown up in her current life, though this time as a violent alcoholic rather than abuser. Several of the children who had been with her in the first lifetime were with her again in the next as well as this lifetime in different roles.
The client’s Higher Self agreed not only to provide healing for this woman for her physical problems, but for the entire group of souls who had experienced the abuse across many lives. In that moment, it sent healing to those souls in need of healing in some way. It was wonderful to see and to listen to. At no point did I make the suggestion that this happen, nor had my client been aware that this could happen, so we were both delighted. Of course, neither my client nor I will ever see what was achieved that day. I only know that something wonderful happened and I was fortunate to have been a part of it. I am honoured and privileged to be able to do this work.
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