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I like many have felt the impending changes which begin on the turn of the Winter Solstice. Seeing Lunar and solar eclipses, meteor showers and today, the 11/1/11, our physical reality is slipping away. I have heard the urgent call, for information to be given to the masses and to remind people they have a choice. Your free will is still on the table and you can move around the storm of go through the eye of it, which I am being directed, is the only way to join the birdstar.
We are awakeing further, now in 2011, the dream like quality of outer reality increases, you may be largely unable to be in public, in crowds and have huge amounts of contact with people. You may be picking up on the bodies need to STOP, you may be fatigued and genrally unable. This is the plan, soak in the energies, LET GO, I cannot stress this enough, there is NO FEAR, so LET GO. Letting go is the ability to let all seeming of the outer reality to loose its grip on you. This is not just for a five or ten minute meditation or whilst toy attend your regular psychic group, or whatever else it may be where you temporarily allow your mind's grip. This is for me, I hear, an over-riding letting go of all reality constructs, all ideas about how you are existing and what you are doing here.
This is a time for us to all move with the new energies that are being provided from Mother Earth and for the lower energies and illusions of outer reality are breaking down. There will be some massive display of the effects of this huge change, soon, seen in the outer theatre. If you remain connected to the divine, to the ebb and flow of the Mother you will, as always be safe and in alignment.
Knowledge, will not surfice, questioning, seeking and learning with not help, this is all through the mind. We are leaving the mind constructs, your beliefs can hold you down and keep you stuck, let go of all aspects of structure, ideology, religion, opinion, control, for these are not located in your higher self. You have greater chance now to join with the one. Like a Jedi in training, you are growing in more awareness of how to decipher the voice and heart of "The Force", if you continue to do as Yoda suggests and "Un-learn all that you have learned", you will become infused with your own truth about all that you will need to know for your journey.
Now is not a time to hold onto false guru's teachers and idols, they may indeed be useful to your awakening and your continual ascension, however be warned that if you feel too comfortable in the understanding that you are giving over your free will or following anothers lead, you will be lost.
These words, come not as instruction, but as a prompt, to shine a light on your script, your drama in the outer theatre and see what you find. Are you lost bundling about with issues concerning, family, money, work, realitionships, identity,health and pain? Are you so beholden to your persona and the games that waste your energy and ability to connect to the larger psychic and magical reality. The inner reality is forcing its way up, the inner reality is from where all arises. The heart is the key.
At this time do not overide your bodies guidance and the feelings that stir you, allow yourself to feel all of the layers of inner experience that you can, for this is the way into the realities of the known, this is all that needs attention in your world, for we are returning inside-out and the external always follows the internal.
To remember to "Never-MIND" and place "No-MATTER" over your daily life may bring you great salvation during the journey through the portholes. I bid you love, light and freedom! You are eternal, you are waking, you are experiencing growing pains.
For more information about assistance with your Accelerated Ascension from Hanna Ehlers MA visit /
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