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Have you got your head in the clouds? Or are you disconnected from the soul of life? Walking with our feet firmly on the ground, partaking in everyday life, whilst embracing our connection to our deepest self and the earth can be tricky to master.
Like all extremes in life, we can get caught up in one camp and lose touch with its counterpart. This leaves us imbalanced and with a feeling of missing something. On one-hand, it doesn’t take a great deal of effort to be present, embodied and connected, although often the simplest of things evade us. Much like the practice of meditation, it is so easy, yet equally highly complex with many layers of profound experience and learning.
Why do some of us reject or miss out on the more abstract and spiritual experience of life? Yet others dwell in this realm daily. Furthermore, why do some dwellers in spirit become out of touch with the material and physical domain?
We are all waking a path that offers us a pass to access all areas but there are often reasons why we get lopsided or top-heavy. It’s another area where polar opposites are at play and getting the balance right is like encountering the pendulum effect. So some of us have got this harmony down, but, how did that happen and does it come more naturally to some than others?
I’m particularly interested in this subject because I’ve personally experienced being somewhat lost in the hefty touch of the spiritual planes, without being all that aware, and before a serious plonk back down to earth. This culminated in an experience which was full on in terms of not being able to escape the material level, and a feeling of being dropped from a great height. It began an opening into raw and necessary realness. This has been my entrance to authenticity, healing and unity.
My feeling is that this wholeness often evades us because of our psychological make-up. Because of the human mind’s need to label and attach, we find something that feels comfortable and can demonize anything that looks different, because it could be threatening to our comfortable stance.
The ego may block you, either from experiences it perceives as “too out there”, or experiences which seem, “too close to normality and reality”. It’s just boring and mundane isn’t it! Not as much fun as running about in fantasy land and leaving our bodies. However that glamour is not often about true transformation, which means, showing up in life and having more than magic beans in your pocket if you want to make something happen. In truth spirituality is in everything, washing the dishes and sitting with someone familiar, doing homework with the kids, planting flowers or in our office job. It isn’t confined to our meditation practice, psychic circle or yoga group. It can infiltrate who you are, not just what you do.
We are often searching for our real, big, purpose in life, but we have many daily purposes which equate to so much more than we realise.
Why can we find ourselves attached to an image of what spirituality is? Because, like politics, we can place ourselves somewhere on that line between left and right. The more open we are the greater the sign of maturity and mental / emotional strength. Our ego will try and define it and box it so it becomes part of our identity, yet at this level it remains shallow and superfluous.
We can become attached to anything in life, and the greater the need for attachment, the more the need for safety. Bolstering our identity with stuff or even ideologies and beliefs makes us feel secure. Although sadly it leaves little room for growth and freedom. Psychological disharmony is so often tied up in spiritual matters because of the ability it provides to escape from our psychological wounds. I’ve experienced this personally and yet it was a necessary first entrance point of my journey into going deep within and healing what had been glossed over.
It can be tempting to have a past life reading to place your pain somewhere else than this life you’ve encountered. Equally it can feel comforting to visit someone to tell you psychically how things in our life will come good. It’s like going to the doctor and getting your prescription or getting reassured there is nothing serious happening. Although when we are seeking these encounters, there may be something more serious occurring, which is a need to connect more deeply with your deeper self, your wounds and a wealth of opportunity to be the unencumbered you, as opposed to the conditioned you.
Everything can have its place and it’s uses for the development of the self, but often it’s less about doing and more about listening.
We all, are human beings having a daily earth experience, with the grand opportunity to make it a spiritual, heart-filled one. Each moment, sitting in the complete presence of it, no matter what is happening, you can touch the gold of reality. It is filling and loving in itself. There is a complexity to each moment, there may be some things that are good, difficult, happy, sad and so on. We may want to change it but peace comes with accepting it in totality.
Some of the happiest people have been in quite challenging experiences, they have been able to transcend their judgement of things as wrong and bad, therefore creating a peaceful state of mind.
Your tomorrow could be different but your now is always the perfect place to be spiritually physical.
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