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Living in the illusion – Being self-aware in the illusion, traversing higher realities and recognising your full guiding spirit team.
David McCready is the author of Real Alien Worlds, The Great Simulator books and the Astral Academy where David is helping others connect with their higher selves using modern Astral Projection techniques and simply learning to breath properly.
David's "The Great Simulator" books offer a fascinating perspective into physical reality and shifting our awareness and mindset to Astrally connect with higher guiding spirits, recognise and appreciate a "Special FX team" of lower Astral beings who are happily providing the drama you wanted to experience but have forgotten.
Today’s show is based on the following questions:
In your books you document your experiences with astral projection, travelling beyond the illusion of the physical world to witness reality actually being a cleverly constructed projection. This is a view also shared from the Hindu concept of Maya, an illusion which makes the physical world appear real and as a duality. In Buddhism the practitioner is also encouraged to move beyond the drama and master their emotions and reactions in order to become enlightened.
Your experiences and books very much confirm the same style of teachings where the ultimate goal is to master our minds and see the illusions for what it is, and not get caught up in the drama and have a lighted hearted childlike jovial quality.
With the world seemingly more divided than ever before and the compelling drama seeking to entice us deeper in the illusion, how can spiritual practitioners best navigate through this to reach their highest goals? For example, is the practitioner to use their voices and actions to speak against the negativity that's coming to the surface right now and possibly get caught up in more drama, as tyranny often rises up when good men do nothing.
Or does one exercise self-masterly, and hold the light here and work on personal growth to overcome emotions and learn to react to situations from a higher place. This can appear apathetic to some but maybe the ultimate goal for all souls is to practice self-masterly where a lifetime is provided once ready to choose to step out of the drama and finally recognise it, whilst other souls are still working through their own Karma and hard school of knocks. What's right for one soul, isn't going to be right for another.
Also, in your books you have met with other higher physical and non-physical races, have they gone through similar experiences to reach a higher state of consciousness and also possibly helping Earth humans at this time bring more awareness and a higher state of consciousness to the planet.
The word illusion may also offend some people as it trivialises our whole reason for being here, what would you say the purpose is for souls to reincarnate into such experiences?
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