Sat,24 Jan 2015
Lucid dreams - lucid simply meaning “clear” - occur when you consciously realize you are dreaming, and find yourself capable of making deliberate choices within the dream and guiding your subconscious...Read More
Sat,24 Jan 2015
As the weather gets colder it becomes more important to protect your mind, body and spirit from the taxing effects of the elements. Society pays a remarkable amount of attention to your physical appea...Read More
Sat,29 Jun 2013
I was contacted by a friend, Julia, who was emotionally shook up from the suicide of a young friend of her daughters’ named Marcus. Marcus was 25 years old and his girlfriend had just broken up with ...Read More
Sun,03 Jun 2012
Most people do not think about the fact that our bodies are just a vehicle for our real self, which is a spirit. We are attached to this third dimension, which is material, and we forget that there ar...Read More
Sun,12 Feb 2012
When people contact me for psychic services, I’m never sure what is going to come up. A few months ago a lady, who felt that she was being attacked spiritually by a group of people, contacted me. I ...Read More
Sat,17 Dec 2011
The Message About The Crystal Punch Bowl.
I would like to share an experience that I had with a client while working as a Psychic Medium. Cindy contacted me and asked for me to channel her mother ...Read More
Sat,26 Nov 2011
Sometimes you have to learn spiritual lessons the hard way. I found this out personally when I argued with a demon.
I had been doing channeling/communicating with the deceased for hundreds of pe...Read More
Sat,05 Nov 2011
Did you know that your emotions affect the planet? Yes, you sitting there reading this message have an effect upon the planet! Whenever we think with negative emotions we are affecting the mass consc...Read More
Thu,23 Jun 2011
In a nutshell – Yes, You Can. You would be amazed at how much the deceased want to communicate back to those that they loved, especially the first few months after they have departed. You may be get...Read More
Thu,05 May 2011
You are quite aware of the economic downturn over the last two years. So many people cannot get jobs; job layoffs are a daily occurrence, and small businesses are closing left and right. The situati...Read More
Thu,24 Mar 2011
My mother died suddenly October 20, 1987, at the age of 67 from a heart attack. Earlier that year she had told me about health problems she had experienced, and I told her that I believed she had suf...Read More
Mon,07 Mar 2011
Here are tips to help you gain the most from a phone psychic reading.
Have Your Full Concentration On The Psychic Reading.
Many people call a psychic while they are eating, talking with someone ...Read More
Fri,04 Mar 2011
How do you begin to tell a story about a night when you were bombarded by evil spirits? The best way is to start from the beginning.
My story begins in December 1986 when I got my first pedigree pu...Read More
Sat,01 Jan 2011
How do you create a new you? It all begins with your thoughts.
You have to begin by cleansing your THOUGHTS! Give up and Forgive the Past and make yourself be Positive about the Future. Switch you...Read More
Thu,07 Oct 2010
My entire life changed when I was twelve years old and the Beatles came to America in 1964 which opened up the whole world for me. Their music turned me on so much that it was just like I had gone in...Read More
Wed,29 Sep 2010
The answer is sometimes. Murders that go unsolved often leave the victim (ghost) with the desire for the truth to come out. They want closure for their family and friends. They want to move on into...Read More
Sat,12 Jun 2010
Astral projection is an out-of -body experience that can be achieved either during sleep, lucid dreaming, hypnosis, deep meditation or conscious projection. During astral projection the consciousness ...Read More
Tue,25 May 2010
I want to talk about channeling deceased spirits or loved ones. People often ask me, “What is channeling?” Channeling is normally done by psychic mediums that have the ability to communicate with sp...Read More
Sun,02 May 2010
Nowadays more and more people want to know what to expect when they die. They also ask me, “Where am I going to go when I die?” What is it like in spirit? Do we get to see people we loved? Do we ge...Read More
Wed,24 Mar 2010
Have you ever met someone and felt that you have known them before? Do you find that you know certain aspects of this person’s personality and yet you have never met before? There is a good reason f...Read More
Fri,19 Mar 2010
Can you leave your home in a moments notice with everything you need to keep you going for three days? In our everyday changing world it is important that we take precautions and be prepared for any ...Read More
Sat,06 Feb 2010
Every day, as a spiritual advisor, I receive phone calls from old clients and new who are scared because they have lost their jobs. Many have lost jobs that they’ve held for over a decade. Most felt t...Read More
Sun,17 Jan 2010
So many people are asking why the country of Haiti was so devastated by an earthquake on January 12, 2010. We are always questioning these acts of nature and many people wonder how there can be a God ...Read More
Mon,11 Jan 2010
I was sound asleep at 6: 30 in the morning, May 20, 2002, when I heard a voice in my right ear. The voice was calm and spoke clearly, "There's someone in the house." I immediately opened my eyes, an...Read More
Fri,08 Jan 2010
As a psychic advisor the majority of my calls are from people with problems in their love life. What I have observed that is ruining relationships is modern technology. Nowadays people use Text Messag...Read More
Thu,12 Nov 2009
So you will understand why Thanksgiving has such deep meaning for me let me give you a little history about my father. He lived in Tennessee and when he was a little boy of six years old, in the year...Read More
Mon,09 Nov 2009
It’s that time of year again where everyone starts thinking about the holidays. Who am I going to spend the holidays with? Should I travel and visit my family? What parties am I going to give or go...Read More
Sat,19 Sep 2009
“If the doors of perception were cleansed everything would appear to man as it is: Infinite.” William Blake from “The Marriage of Heaven And Hell.”
"There are things known, and there are things u...Read More
Fri,11 Sep 2009
Michael Jackson channeled a message recently to help people understand a bit more about spirit. He recommended they study or read about quantum physics. So here’s a brief break down on the subject. Qu...Read More
Wed,19 Aug 2009
So many of you have expressed in my blog that you are having difficulty getting over Michael Jackson’s death. It’s important that you continue to live a full life and be thankful that Michael shared a...Read More
Mon,17 Aug 2009
Did you know that your brain needs eighty five percent of your nutrition? Guess what? The average diet only gives the brain fifteen percent nutrition. So what can you do to change this condition? ...Read More
Fri,07 Aug 2009
From all the different communications I have received lately it seems like people are greatly confused about what happens after death. Everyone has a different belief and we are all right and we are ...Read More
Sun,26 Jul 2009
Lately because of so many celebrities passing away, such as Michael Jackson and Farrah Fawcett, to name a few, I have been asked many questions about life and death. Death is a universal experience. ...Read More
Wed,22 Jul 2009
Muscular pain, tingling, burning, and numbness are common symptoms of a repetitive strain injury. However, these symptoms are also common in a condition called Fibromyalgia. Fibromyalgia basically mea...Read More
Sat,18 Jul 2009
Let's face it--we've probably all fallen prey to a psychic/spiritual vampire, possibly without even knowing it. It may have been a chance encounter with an energy predator that left us temporarily exh...Read More
Fri,12 Jun 2009
A year ago the majority of my phone calls, as a psychic, were about love relationships. Now the majority of my calls are about finances. Am I going to be laid off? Is my business going to fail? Do I n...Read More
Sun,10 May 2009
All my life I have had animals as my friends - Ranging from cats to turtles. With each pet I have found that they communicate quite affectively with me. I’m sure you have had animal friends in your ...Read More
Sun,10 May 2009
World renowned Native American Psychic Cherokee Billie has been working as a Clairvoyant advisor for over 25 years. She helps her clients to connect with their Soul's Path, bringing peace and joy into...Read More
Wed,22 Apr 2009
As a psychic this is the most frequently asked question I receive. The women calling me are in deep pain and cannot understand what went wrong. The problem is they don’t understand how men think.
...Read More
Wed,01 Apr 2009
Music is magic! Music speaks louder than words and it's a 'language' that the whole world understands. Did you know that people can be mentally conditioned to respond to a set stimulus like a series...Read More
Thu,19 Mar 2009
I got your attention quickly with this announcement didn’t I? You were more than willing to get your Free Psychic reading. That’s the purpose of these types of advertisements to get you to call immed...Read More
Wed,04 Mar 2009
Have you ever really thought about the power God (The Great Spirit) uses? He has the biggest arsenal in the universe that is at our disposal and ready to help us in the battle of life. What are the Bi...Read More
Fri,13 Feb 2009
The answer is: Fear. Right now people are living in a state of fear because of the economy making a change downward. For decades this situation has been going on, but did not make news until it starte...Read More
Fri,13 Feb 2009
Do you notice when watching a game show how excited the contestants are? They come to the stage and you literally see people break out into sobs or kiss each other and jump around expressing joy and ...Read More
Wed,11 Feb 2009
I was listening to the song “Money” by Pink Floyd the other day, when I got to thinking about money and spirituality. Money is on everybody’s mind these days, with the plummeting economy and the rate ...Read More
Tue,10 Feb 2009
To make miracles we need only dare to ask. There are legions of angels - physical and Divine - all around us, just waiting to help us create what we want in life. There is only one condition to their ...Read More