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A great respect for the land, every living thing and for the cycle of life, the inspiringly gracious indigenous people’s depicted in James Cameron’s Avatar film are reminiscent of many of the Earth’s great ancestors, those indigenous tribes and clans that still seek to maintain the natural flow of spirit and protect the great Gaia today. The simplicity and fierce passion demonstrated by the Na’vi alien race is misunderstood completely by the barbaric and ignorant humans, many portrayed as hell-bent on destroying and sucking up any profitable gain from a land not theirs. This film has of course many connotations directly aimed at what is occurring currently on planet earth. Then who are these human barbarians in real life? In fact what is real life? Can we really begin to separate ourselves so easily from the 3D screen of the movie theatre, for are we not living out our own holographic horror as we sit by and watch the greedy fat cats and corrupted governments continue to make our decisions, squander our rights, feed us lies and delude and turn us against one another.
Do we really spend enough time considering our place in the world and how we are responsible for adding to the apathy? Maybe we will after another round of Xfactor, a glass of wine and a take out. It doesn’t take much to break the mould, but break it we will, whether we are pushed into this now or whether we jump. The Na’vi on first glance seem somewhat primitive and defensive, yet on closer inspection we can draw some most enlightening similarities to fast moving spiritually occurring trends that are sweeping through earth’s population. This is called the impact of the Indigo! Standing for no bending of ethics the Na’vi is like the indigo spiritual warrior. Praise the “All That Is” for our Indigo children and adults. They stand strong like the Na’vi, unless they’ve had it beaten out of them, and you can almost see their painted faces, they know who they are and what is right for earth and her people’s and yet they are beaten down, drugged, robbed of their inner fire, told to tame their moral stance and curb their honesty! The lightworker, a branch of Indigo patterning can learn from this strength this inner urge to serve earth, and her lost souls in the only way they know how, with a bow and arrow to pierce the hearts of the darkest soul and offer a new light, to demonstrate a way forward when all the human army sleeps in their droning, daily, mundane stupor of material emptiness, clinging on desperately to the idea that the 3D is all there is.
So lightworkers, have you got lost along the way? Are you still ticking over, now is not the time to wait, it is the time to act, love and light does not mean, non activism, non passion, a wishy washy kind of “yes mam”. There are new old souls being told off all over the globe for doing the right thing, it just appears the world has lost touch of what the right thing is and we are taking part in a process to re-learn. The right thing is surely not to agree with someone’s ability to belittle another just because it’s widely accepted, just the way it doesn’t make it right to follow rules that serve the controlling elite that aim to harm others. We tell our children to study hard and chastise them for not following a system that is fundamentally based on lies and which avoids the truth like the plague, and in fact includes learning reams of fear producing material like the plague! What joy’s to fill our children’s head with, history that is all about ensuring you don’t move an inch out of being stamped upon, else you’re likely to have your head chopped of, die from a lethal disease or be caught up in a war. I’m sure there’s nothing out there in the cosmos quite like an Earth’s history lesson to send you spiralling into depression. Where are the lessons that include learning about an appreciation for all earth’s natural creatures and beauties and how to respect other beings or be a good parent?
The Na’vi in my opinion had something which we have lost as a general earth race, passion, conviction, honour and soul, they were definitely in touch with theirs, today we may spend all day talking to a shell of a person until we come in to connection with someone who is living.
We must balance power with love and become the activists we have been waiting for. It can be a scary place to step into your power but when united for loving causes this energy creates abundant scores of positive outcomes.
“I see you!”
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