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Aurora Brierley
We all remember and love the hit movie E.T. and we even shed many a tear at the heart-warming story that made us all want to be that little boy that E.T. communicated with. But what if E.Ts (Extraterrestrials) really do exist?
Paranormal encounters are becoming more and more frequent as our interest in all things paranormal is growing rapidly. We are beginning to ask more and more questions about other worlds including the spirit world and we even hear the question regarding beings living on other planets. These other beings are commonly known as extraterrestrial beings that are connected to UFOs.
All sorts of doorways have opened up in the past few years; some of these topics that have been highlighted include Indigo and Crystal children, Angels, Afterlife communication, Faeries, and UFOs. There is a lot of speculation as to whether there is life on other planets and as to whether the reports of alien sightings are in fact a hoax or not. But for those of you that does show an interest in UFOs either deeply or are just accepting of the idea here is a quick guide to what on earth UFOs are.
What is a U.F.O?
A UFO is an Unidentified Flying Object commonly known as a flying saucer. They are believed to be sent to Earth by aliens and many people believe to have been inside these flying saucers (spaceships).
What is the difference between an Extraterrestrial and an alien?
There is no difference between an E.T. and an alien as they are the same thing, just a different name by which they are called. An E.T./alien is believed to be another worldly being that lives on another planet in outer space.
What do they look like?
They are described as small humanoid beings with large heads and oval fly shaped eyes with grey or green skin. They can appear at all heights depending on who they are appearing to.
Can I contact an Alien?
I wish it were that simple, if it were I would have had a juicy interview with an alien written here instead of this as I believe it would of made interesting reading. Jokes aside, im afraid there is no way to just call up an alien and request their presence. Of course you can do what I recommend anyone to do who wishes to make contact with any being from any realm and that is to light a white candle to represent the purity of your intention, ask that the light be a shining beacon of love and light to these beings. Make a statement of your purified intention of making contact with aliens perhaps through a meditation session of yours or of course in your dreams. If talking to a candle doesn’t float your saucer, you can always write a letter and place it under your pillow.
Will I be abducted by aliens?
My personal opinion on alien abduction is one that may very well be out on its own, but I like to be different. I believe that alien abductions don’t occur in the way they are portrayed to have. I believe that we visit these other worldly beings in a similar way that we visit our loved ones in our dreams. It could perhaps be explained as a similar experience to that of an Out-of-Body experience. I once meditated and was surprised by my alien visitor and we talked generally and when I asked about abductions this is what came as my reply; “We do not abduct people in the way that you are thinking as we have no right to do this. You visit us out of your own free will in your spiritual bodies. We can teach you all manner of things such as our techniques of healing that we are very much connected to. Please do not be afraid that we will abduct you, it will not happen”. This made complete sense to me as when we are told of our visits and glimpses into the afterlife we are reportedly told about a white light, which is very similar to the light that comes from a flying saucer to ‘abduct’ us.
What descriptions have been given to describe an encounter?
The common descriptions of alien encounters include hovering nocturnal lights, discs or saucer shapes seen in daylight, radar-visual sightings and of course alien sightings.
It may be an interesting fact that the MOD has a special department for monitoring UFO sightings, SF4, however these are mainly monitoring for security reasons.
My father actually had a brilliant alien encounter when he was a Police Officer in the Sandwell area as other officers radioed into the police station to report the similar sighting as did many residents. Unfortunately I cannot ask more on this as he is now in the spirit world keeping everyone in check.
How can I learn more?
There are of course many books out there that you could read so just pop into your local bookstore and enquire. Another good way of learning more is from other people so try chatting to people on online forums. There is a UFO research group that is based in the midlands that you could perhaps contact by
More about aliens…..
Aliens are believed to be master engineers and surgeons, these claims can be supported by the thousands of eyewitness claims of aliens curing cancer and developing mechanical healing tools. Claimed alien sightings can sometimes be tricks of the light, weather balloons (as claimed by the US Government in 1947, with the famous Roswell sightings in New Mexico), aircraft or strange cloud formations. However many encounters are not a hoax and many eyewitnesses say that they acquired psychic powers prior to the encounter so as to be able to communicate telepathically with the aliens. Others report that they only acquired psychic powers following the encounter.
I do believe of their existence and also believe that we are very privileged to know of and even experience these beings. But please keep in mind they are just another form of spirit energy that are wherever they are fulfilling their role in the expansion of the soul. ©
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