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David Brittain
Contact David and Yvonne at:
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We wrote this article to follow on from our recent article "Why He? Why She?
The courageous reality of, “I am that I am.”
Amid the ocean of creative energies the Astral is an area of spherical vortexes tightly enmeshed into each other that all act as transformers to reduce the power level of the energy that spirals to each vortex centre. At each vortex centre the energy can only spin and drop into the sub-atomic level. The next lower stage, physical existence amid atoms of energy, is the slowest, lowest power level of existence of all the levels of creation.
The aim of the life force is to climb, stage by stage, out of the vortex area. Each vortex stage exists at a higher power level than the stage below it and so the only way the life force can climb is by continually increasing its capacity to exist at higher power levels. Life force at the human level of individual “Me” intelligence has already climbed well above the vortex centres level. Its total progress made during many physical lives may enable it to exist in any one of the many stages between the centres level, where atoms are formed, and the outer, highest-power-level, layers of the vortex. To re-enter physical existence life force must leave behind on its astral level all that it has achieved during past lives in terms of total increased power level.
Existing at this astral higher power level “Me” couldn’t directly re-enter physical existence without damaging the atomic structure of the physical baby that “Me” is to enter. Somehow “Me’s” power level must be reduced, and so he or she must first pass through a part of the vortex called the Inter-life Zone. It is vital to remember that your individual freewill choice governs the entire process. You choose if, when where, and to whom you will be born. Also the lessons you will face in your next physical life, and the ways you choose to repay karmic debts. You choose the length of your life. You even choose the sex of the physical baby you will be born into. Whilst on your astral level, you enjoy a wider point of view when you make these choices for your personal soul-plan. This includes the full knowledge that you must live that future life without knowledge of your choices previously made on the astral. This may help to explain the apparent unfairness of physical life. Let’s have an example to clarify what we mean.
Often as individuals we may feel incomplete, as if some part of us is missing, and during our physical life spans we may search for a partner to supply the missing part. For dismal centuries, men and women have been conditioned to think of God, as “He”. In these more enlightened times we now know God as a perfect and harmonious blend of him and her. Yet regardless of how we regard God, we know that we are either he or she, there is no doubt in our minds, we just know.
The reason is because each “Me” is one of two aspects of a high power-level twin-flame or twin-soul. Even to be able to enter and descend the astral vortex all twin-souls first had to be separated to reduce their combined power-level. Your other aspect could be on the astral or anywhere in the physical universe trying to learn lessons very similar to yours that will allow him or her to ascend out of the vortex. Eventually when both of you have ascended above the vortex, your aspects will rejoin each other as one twinned potential creator. Even then, one aspect will always be he and the other aspect she, until finally, the two aspects of the twin-soul, blend as one on the level of Creator minds. Until then separately you both must struggle on alone and incomplete. Part of the struggle is trying to fully understand the opposite aspect, and so to our example.
Even after many physical lives a woman cannot understand what makes men tick. Always the denseness and stupidity of men has been an ongoing source of bafflement to this woman. The woman feels that she owes it to her spiritual or astral power-level progress to at least try to understand ho

Yvonne Brittain
w men think. In full knowledge of what she will have to face she courageously chooses to be ‘reborn’ into a male baby. The parents are overjoyed at the arrival of their newly born son, but as the boy grows older, father worries because the boy prefers dolls to toy guns.
Later, instead of manly sports their gentle son prefers music, poetry, and art. Sadly, ignorance causes more parental dismay when their son; a female “Me” in a male physical body, feels irresistibly drawn, emotionally and physically to a male “Me” in a male physical body and that same male “Me” feels emotionally, and/or physically, drawn to their son. For the parents and for their confused son, shame, guilt, anguish and resentment at a God who they believed did such an awful thing to them. No one ever explained to them the real meaning of freewill choice.
Of course what we have offered for the readers’ consideration may appear to be a simplistic approach to a delicate and complex subject. In defence of our approach we will add that most of the complexity has as its source complete ignorance, due to lack of knowledge, and for the most part this lack is shared by all, either directly involved (who must cope with what they ‘know’ they are) or who are not involved (but who have ready opinions to offer about what they ‘think’ the former wish they were and pretend to be). It is this lack of knowledge that compels society to fear and condemn anyone that the lowest common denominator of status quo conditioned intelligence cannot understand. With such cruel pressures heaped onto the young individual’s state of unawareness and confusion it is hardly surprising when personal shame and fear causes tragic and complex results.
The tragic results include self-defeating displays of bravado where sexuality is flaunted in defiance of a hurtful, uncaring public. The equally tragic result, probably for many, many more confused unfortunates, is to hide from the world what they know they are. Instead they have to pretend to the world to be what they know they are not. We will offer this final thought for all of those who find themselves caught in such a cruel dilemma. Also for the consideration of all seekers on the path to Ascension who may seek deeper reasons why a female “Me” would choose to be born into the body of a male.. Frequently female and also male authors of Ascension articles bring to our attention the unbalanced state of world consciousness; as we all know, heavily biased for centuries in favour of the masculine. Also we are told that to aid Earth’s ascension we must bring it back into balance, with the added warning that time grows short. In response many Seekers, here in the physical, all over the planet are genuinely concentrating their efforts as light workers on re-activating feminine energy ley lines and Mother Earth energy-centres whilst we all work to awaken awareness in the unaware multitude. Just as we are aware of this need, so those on the astral, awaiting rebirth are, and have been for several decades, also fully aware of Earth’s plight.
We cannot offer expertise about higher dimensional DNA and RNA manipulation, but we assume a form of biological mechanism has always controlled the global balance between male and female physical births. Probably this same control has limited the number of female physical babies to be born, to far below the numbers of female souls on the Astral who are determined to physically add their efforts to their sisters’ now in the physical. What other way could they achieve this than by choosing to be born into a male physical baby? Most would agree that it is the individual female intelligence, not the female body that will restore the much-needed balance. Unfortunately when those female souls are reborn, there is no one here to explain their chosen role, to them or to their distraught parents… Or maybe there is now you’ve read this article. What do you think?
Love and Admiration from David & Yvonne Brittain
Ascension Support Team (France)
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