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Have you heard of the Library Angel? The Library Angel finds the book you need to read. This phenomena was publicised by Sir Anthony Hopkins who was recommended a novel by George Feifer called ‘The Girl from Petrovka’ but could not find a copy in the bookshop. While he was travelling home, he found a copy on a seat on the station platform! In another well publicised case, Dame Rebecca West was working on a particular political project and had been informed that the Royal Institute of International Affairs kept a copy of the Nuremberg Trails and she needed this document for her research. Frustrated by searching the shelves on several occasions, she called over the librarian. To remonstrate with the filing clerk and to show the system was out of order, she picked
up a book from the shelf: it was the exact volume she was searching for and it fell open at the page she needed for the project!
Not only does the Library Angel bring you an important book, it also allows a book that would be of use to come your way. This might include a book that you might find by chance, a book friend recommends, or a book that you have on your shelf but have never got around to reading. Just by opening the book at a random page might reveal insight or wisdom that will change your life.
Afterword: Never keep books on your bookshelf. Growing dusty and yellowing on your shelves can raise hundreds of pounds for charities by being donated to a charity shop and also give dozens of people much enjoyment and life wisdom!
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