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Orbs in Florida
I am writing to let you know that a friend of mine who lives in Florida, has recently sent me these amazing pictures of light anomalies on her land - 80 acres of which she shares with her sister. This land was left to them by their father, and they have been told that the land is built on a crystalline matrix and is sacred. It has been also conveyed in channelings and by many other psychics that the land is to be used, ultimately, to build a City of Light. The owners of the land have been contacted by extra-terrestrials and on one occasion, the Beings of Light formed in the ancient forest across from the homestead where my friend lives. There is no doubt in my mind that these anomalies are of a spiritual nature, as the land is incredibly special. The sister of my friend was recently undergoing some Angelic Healing from a therapist friend, and had an awesome experience during which time she felt (and was later told) that she had been 'activated' to work with the Light... since the

More orbs in Florida
n, she has been working non-stop, and has been channeling information herself. One of the outcomes of these channelings (Archangels and other spiritual light beings communicate daily) is that there is to be a University of Light, at first on the internet and then it will be physically built on the Light City land...
I have already begun work with another friend on the curriculum and hope to find others of the calibre it takes to teach Lightworkers on a PhD level and beyond. It is time to have our educational systems join the 'ascension' process and teach our beautiful children what their planet needs (as opposed to filling their heads with facts and figures that many times serve no purpose whatever!)
Hope you enjoy the pictures... let me know what you think and if you can contribute in any way. I could only upload two, but I have more if you want to see them on my website, if that's okay by the administrator of this website...
Much love and light, Jay
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