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Face2Face Marketing
This plainly written story is centred on the busy lives of Diane and Alan Harris, a thirty-something professional couple who have just moved from the hustle and bustle of London into their new home; an old stone-built farmhouse in the beautiful but sometimes bleak countryside of Yorkshire, in northern England.
When out exploring their new village for the first time Alan convinces Diane to buy a book on the OOBE at a garage sale held by two young local boys who recently lost their father, and from that moment on their lives are irreversibly transformed.
About The Author
Andrew Haughton was born in Yorkshire, England, in the early nineteen fifties but had never heard of OOBE's – or for that matter showed any interest in the subject – until the early nineteen nineties.
However, since then he’s researched and personally experienced the OOBE phenomenon and now truly believes. He also believes that most people on earth have OOBE's, most nights, only they just don’t realise it!
“There have been many scientific studies undertaken on the subject,” says Haughton. “A significant number agree that OOBE’s are possible, but unfortunately the majority disagree – adopting the: ‘If it can’t be fully explained, then it doesn’t exist’ stance - totally rejecting even the slightest probability of this fascinating and well documented topical issue.”
No matter what the sceptics say, this Yorkshireman is adamant that OOBEs are real, saying: "I could never have written this book if I hadn't experienced several OOBEs myself. In fact, it was due to one of these experiences that I sat down one morning in front of a blank PC screen and started writing; something I had never done before. It was like I had to do it...or else!"
OOBE is a self-published eBook that was recently launched on a free website and is now available on Amazon’s ‘Kindle Direct Publishing' (KDP) facility for authors and publishers alike.
OOBE was written in the mid ‘90s and self-published in paperback form by its author in 2000. Since then it has only sold a handful of copies (around 30 to be precise) probably due to a total lack of awareness of its availability by potential readers and its price, fixed by the publisher at over US $21 (over £13) plus P&P, back in 2000.
Face2Face Marketing (F2F) is now able to offer amateur authors - who are not able, for whatever reason, to manage the process of getting their own works out into the ether - a facility to have their books, or any written works, published as a PDF eBook on a free website linked to a PayPal purchasing facility. This service, run by F2F, will also include making the author’s work available through Amazon’s KDP to a growing marketplace of Kindle owners, hungry for inexpensive reading matter to download into their Kindle library.
Irrelevant of the size or type of work (subject to legal and industry guidelines), the cost of this service is a one-off retainer fee to cover the work setting everything up and a commission on sales from both the website and Kindle sales.
The cost of eBooks varies dramatically from £0.00 to around £5.00, depending on the author (amateur or professional) and genre. Average amateur prices tend to be in the £0.99 to £3.99 range, mainly depending on genre and how well/aggressively the eBook has been marketed.
F2F will not, in any way, act as a regular ‘publisher’ and make comment or changes to any author’s work. F2F will be more a facilitator, for people who lack the skills, equipment and/or services required to achieve the end goal; that of getting their work out to the millions of potential readers around the world. In fact, it was only recently that the first self-published work to hit a million eBook sales was reported, and according to The Telegraph newspaper, it wasn’t anything to write home about! Now that’s food for thought, eh?
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