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Review: Angels have been appreciated by people for thousands of years. The Assyrians had winged creatures that guarded their temples, the Zoroastrians recognized many types of angels, from archangels to guardian angels. In ancient Egypt, angels were at the pinnacle of religious worship; Isis herself is represented as a winged deity.
During our day workshop we discovered whether we were mainly clairaudient, clairvoyant or clairsentient and most of our group of eight women had a mixture of all three mediumship abilities, some more pronounced than others. We used three decks of angel cards to reveal messages concerning our health and our spiritual path. I brought some beads and we threaded them into a nine bead angel rosary to add our own angel mantra which will remind us of the nine ranks of angels and how they can assist us in our life with their strength, knowledge and love.
For thousands of years, the afterlife in ancient Egypt was represented by the deceased who is first led into the Hall of the 42 Judges to be questioned about their deeds throughout life. Their soul is weighed against a feather, symbol of Ma’at, the Goddess of Truth and Justice. If t
he soul was heavy with misdeeds and the scales were weighed down, the soul would be fed to a terrible monster. If the soul was light with good deeds, heaven would be achieved. After relating this ancient Egyptian story, we visited Waltham Abbey church to see the 13th Century fresco in the Lady Chapel. This shows Jesus judging the souls of the deceased, surrounded by angels, the weighing scales beneath show the heavy scales condemning these people into the jaws of an ugly monster, and those on the other side of the scales, without weight, who are allowed to go into the beautiful house of heaven.
I told the group a Cabbalistic story of creation that explains how evil arrived into the world and that there are bad as well as good angels and that we have a choice which path we follow. Each person received a name for their own personal guardian angel. To complete the workshop, the group of eight members was split into two, leading each person to meet with an archangel, to ask a question and receive a channelled answer.
Workshop facilitated by Wendy Stokes on 13th Nov 2011 at Spirit of Isis, Sun Street, Waltham Abbey.
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