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Why are so many of our days filled with people that just don’t seem to like seeing us happy? In fact, it infuriates them to such a point that they will actually go out of their way to try and spoil it for us by saying we look a little tired when we don’t or by going around saying awful things about us that are down and out lies. The worst part of it all, though, is that we actually take these things to heart and end up letting others dim our light as a result. More fool us! That’s right; we are just as much to blame for allowing them to dim our lights in the first place.
We may ask a little hastily, “How can that be?” The answer is quite simple really; we alone are in control of our lives. Let others think what they will, for in reality we alone know what truly goes on in our hearts and minds not they. How best to react then when this happens to us, for it most surely will? The best way is by not reacting at all! Just smile and allow the negative energy to dissolve away as quickly as sugar in hot tea.
In fact, it is actually quite liberating watching people come to the realization that their false words have little or no sway over us whatsoever. They want for us to get angry and upset; so when we don’t allow them to provoke us, we are turning the tables back around on their evil thoughts and intentions in such a way that we become empowered in a positive and uplifting manner, whilst simultaneously shining the light of Spirit down upon their darkness.
It isn’t even worth the effort to try and change the way they think. Let’s face it; some people out there are just not content unless they are making the world feel as unhappy, unloved or undeserving as themselves. It’s all a matter of perspective really; some of us see the cup half full yet others half empty. We must be mindful however, of the fact that it is quite difficult not to respond in kind to false accusations. But we really don’t want to do that, otherwise we miss out on a terrific opportunity to empower ourselves. As such simply bite your tongue and try not to point fingers; as that helps no one in the grand scheme of things.
What we need to do at times like this is remain in total control of the situation, rather than let the situation control us. It’s our choice to make and we owe it to ourselves to make that choice one of empowerment. Let others think whatever they wish, for we alone determine our own self worth.
In time, they will come to realize that changing their vantage point will offer them a more picturesque and panoramic view of the world. Keep in mind at such times that Spirit is non-judgmental and that none of us are more or less deserving of opportunity or place. This is as true for someone that sweeps streets for a living as it is for a CEO of a company that’s worth billions on the stock market.
It is also worth noting that just as they accept our many varied talents and abilities, true Spirit is unconditional love in its purest form. As such, it loves us all in the same manner no matter what our faults and eccentricities might happen to be. Only people who want to spoil our happiness will think any differently, and those are the last people that we should allow to spoil what positive images we may have formed of ourselves.
True, it is never easy having to listen to unkind words being spoken about us, but try instead to look upon the experience as the lesson in Self it is meant to be. An opportunity to validate the worth we place on Self. Pretty soon we will find ourselves crying out loudly and clearly that certain things are just not true. “No, I don’t look tired at all, I look great!” “No, I’m not always making mistakes; I’m actually pretty darn efficient.”
The best way to stop a bully is to nip them in the bud as early as we can. No we don’t have to confront them directly as that only lets them know that they are getting to us far more than we’d like. But it does mean standing up to their beliefs, thoughts and opinions about us, by exposing them as the falsehoods and untruths we clearly know them to be.
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