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Jacob's Ladder by
William Blake
Numerous individual testimonies and historical records describing physical contact with extraterrestrial life refer to highly developed ethical beings often witnessed in association with extraterrestrials. In contrast to extraterrestrials, these beings do not appear to be dependent on technologies for communication and travel. These highly developed ethical beings have been described as Angels, Ascended Masters, Elohim, and similar terms used to signify highly developed states of consciousness or ‘spiritual awareness’. The term ‘celestial’ can be used for any life form that has achieved higher states of consciousness whereby they display a number of remarkable abilities without technological assistance.
Historical evidence suggests that celestials are able to travel throughout the universe through willpower alone and are not confined to any physical location.
This highly advanced ability distinguishes them from extraterrestrial entities that are dependent on advanced forms of technology for space-time travel as evidenced in ubiquitous sightings of ‘flying saucers’ and other extraterrestrial vehicles (ETVs). This ability to travel through space-time further distinguishes celestials from paranormal entities or ‘inter-dimensionals’ described by John Keel and others as ghosts, fairies, goblins, etc., that are bound by spatio-temporal factors to Earth but can move between dimensions.
Also, celestials have attained advanced states of consciousness wherein they have attained a level of oneness or ‘cosmic consciousness’ with the universe, and do not identify themselves exclusively with a stellar region, civilization, time or dimension. This ability again distinguishes them from extraterrestrial entities that exclusively identify themselves with particular stellar regions, civilizations, times or dimensions. Finally, celestials are not limited to any one physical form, and can change their form at will to suit whatever circumstances they are in. This ability again distinguishes them from extraterrestrial entities that identify with a particular physical form or genetic characteristics, and require technology to change their physical characteristics or how they are perceived by others.
Celestials have been described in a wide range of sources from religious-historical texts, and more recently contactee experiences. Celestials are described in these sources as beings that serve a higher universal will that remains hidden to ordinary humans. Celestials have been described as often intervening to assist humanity’s evolution especially during periods of conflict involving extraterrestrial civilizations and advanced technologies. Celestials have been witnessed together with extraterrestrials who view the former as teachers, “Masters of Wisdom” or universal messengers whose advice is respectfully heard thought not always followed.
Extraterrestrials have been increasingly acknowledged by a number of contemporary authors such as Zecharia Sitchin as having played a leading role in the seeding of the human race and establishing technologically advanced civilizations. Less well known is the role played by celestials and their precise relationship with extraterrestrials in their complex interaction with humanity’s evolution. This is unfortunate since evidence suggests that celestials have played significant historical roles in humanity’s evolution by ensuring that advanced technologies are wisely incorporated, and intervening in conflicts between humanity and extraterrestrial civilizations.
Understanding the historical role of celestials has become especially important in the modern era where contact between extraterrestrial civilizations and humanity has been increasingly occurring. Extraterrestrials have interacted directly with the U.S. government and in some cases have signed agreements that have treaty status. This has led to the development and incorporation of advanced extraterrestrial technologies by the military corporate sector. According to Col Philip Corso, in select cases these technologies has been allowed to filter through to mainstream society.
In numerous other cases of extraterrestrial contact, extraterrestrials have directly interacted with private citizens who have described experiences ranging from inspired transformative encounters to invasive violations. This suggests different types of extraterrestrials are interacting with humanity with a range of modalities and motivations. Evidence points to a heightened degree of human extraterrestrial contact that will culminate in open contact wherein Earth becomes an interplanetary society. This will lead to important policy choices to be made over the extent humanity should interact with different extraterrestrial groups, and incorporate the advanced technologies offered by them.
At the upcoming Earth Transformation Conference (January 7-10, 2010), I will describe the historical role played by celestials in intervening in human and extraterrestrial affairs. I will show how increased awareness of the historic presence of celestials can assist humanity in making the transition to a mature galactic culture, wherein open contact with extraterrestrial civilizations occurs. Important policy choices need to be made over which extraterrestrial groups are reliable partners to work with, and which advanced technologies ought to be incorporated into human society. Other Earth Transformation conference speakers will address related topics such as ‘super-healing’, ‘new science’, consciousness and extraterrestrial contact all of which figure prominently in Earth’s transition from an insular planetary society. Celestials can help minimize unnecessary stress and conflict in this transition, and ensure that humanity’s evolution to a galactic culture is harmonious and peaceful.
For more info: This is based on an expanded extract from "Are 'Celestials' assisting Humanity in Relations with Extraterrestrial Life?". Details of the Earth Transformation Conference: Super-Healing, New Science, Consciousness & Extraterrestrial Contact, January 7- 10, 2010, Kona, Big Island of Hawaii available online at
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