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This is to Raise Standards, you can be sure that any courses backed by SWA are delivered to a high practical, legal and moral standard by experienced and qualified course deliverers. You can teach whatever course you wish to teach as long as you teach it in a professional manner. Having this Accreditation can help you be recognised as a professional tutor. Too many people are offering courses to the public that are not as knowledgeable in the subjects they profess to be. This will also help the public who wish to take courses and workshops and know that the tutor has accredited that they have gone through the accreditation process and that they are not being mislead by those offering cheap workshops / courses.
Exciting new scheme now available from the SWA…
We are shaking up the industry once again!
After listening to our members’ calls for credible accreditation, we are proud to now offer a COURSE ACCREDITATION scheme.
Even though we managed to get accreditation for our very own BTEC, we fought for over two years for the privileged and know that official organisations simply won’t give spiritual workers a chance to officially recognise and accredit spiritually based courses.
So, the SWA is offering its members the opportunity to benefit from our very own in-house Accreditation Scheme.
What does this mean?
Whilst we are not an official educational body or accreditation recognised industry leader, we are the vocational industry leaders in member led services for spiritualistic service providers and, as such, an accreditation stamp of quality from us will hold weight with your potential learners and students. We can draw from a dedicated team of experienced tutors to ensure we can always give an excellent service and accredit a wide range of spiritual courses. We will also be able to help with mediation and quality control by providing a support service for you and your learners, alike.
What about the topic I want to teach?
Don’t worry. Our ethos has not changed. We would never presume to tell you how to be spiritual or what to teach spiritually. Spirituality is a personal journey, but as an organisation with a remit to “Raise Standards”, we will ensure through our accreditation that any courses backed by us are delivered to a high practical, legal and moral standard by experienced and qualified course deliverers. It is up to you what you teach as long as you teach it in a professional manner. Accreditation can help you with this.
Why do I need this?
By complying with a simple 8 point accreditation system, you will be able to sell and deliver to your clients an accredited course that has been checked to ensure a high quality. The results making your course more attractive, more sellable and making you stand out from the competitive crowd. Your clients will appreciate that they are being taught an accredited system giving them peace of mind. … Now, that’s RAISING STANDARDS.
If you would like more information on the accreditation process and cost etc. then get in touch with Simon on 01656762299 or email us for more information at
[email protected]
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