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Close Encounters
Extra-Terrestrials and the Spirit World
UFO sightings have come into prominence over the past 70 years. Early on Sir Victor Goddard became an authority on them, accepting the unofficial title of father of Ufology, and advising President Truman on security matters with such visiters. We have all heard of the incidents at Roswell, Rendelsham, Warminster and other locations world-wide and cases of abduction such as that of Whitley Strieber, with missing time and contact with beings or entities from other galaxies.
One of these contact cases was that of the Swiss farmer, Eduard Meier, who started having telepathic communication with intelligences from a planet located in the Pleiades, 40 light years away, in 1975. The following year, Greta Woodrew, a professional business executive in the United States, went into a trance state in Dr. Andrija Puharich’s lab and started speaking for 14 different personalities who said they came from five planets belong to a binary solar system situated in Alpha Centauri, a constellation which contains the nearest brightest star to our sun, and which is only 4 light years away from us, or about 40 trillion km..
Around the same time Herbert Victor Speer in Berlin, Germany, was in communication with the UFO space fleet commander Ashtar Sheran, who came from a location much further away from us, in Hercules, a constellation found 2 billion light years away, in the sky of the Northern hemisphere.
Since there must be people in some form similar to us human beings, living on many planets in the millions of galaxies around the universe, I have to ask the question: “where is their Spirit World, when they die ?”
However long their lifespan may be, and the Pleiadians talking to Eduard Meier say they live a thousand of our years in time, they must eventually pass on to their Spirit World. But so far we have heard nothing about spirits from other galaxies living in the Spirit World which our dead relatives inhabit.
So does each planet or galaxy have its own Spirit World, or Heaven, or eventually, do all spirits from everywhere in our vast universe, eventually meet up, in an even vaster Spirit World ?
It seems that after death we go to meet with others we were most clostely associated with, during our life on earth. After that, perhaps we move on to further regions, where we meet up with former ETs, at last, in the greater Spirit World. What do you think ?
Those spirits who communicate with us here are still living close to the earth plane, so they stay at a frequency able to be adapted to let them talk to us or our mediums, or work through us, if we are trance mediums, or healers employing spirit doctors and doing psychic surgery. So there is not much likelihood of ETs from other planets or galaxies contacting us in this way. But as spirits go out further into space to explore the greater realities of the Spirit World and its many regions and mansions, then spirits will meet and merge with many ETs and their societies, though it is unlikely at that point that they will want to return to our relatively low earth frequency to tell us of their experiences. We shall have to wait and see, until our time comes to move ahead in the Spirit World, when we are ready.
Once we die, we leave the heaviness of earthly attachments. This is best described by Father Andrew Glazewski, who, within four days of death, contacted Cynthia Sandys, in November, 1973:- "The ecstasy of dying is something I can never express. It is suddenly like becoming light itself. It is so wonderful. It is heat and coolness. It is warmth in the mind. It is clarity of vision and understanding. It is like a clap of divine thunder, and hey presto, there I am out of my tiresom old body, leaping about in the glorious ether; and you've no conception of what dying is like. It is a Communion, a Sacrament of living on a higher level - this is the most transforming experience that any mortal can attain. I am overcome with joy, pure JOY."
[I can resonate with this report, in remembering my own NDE almost 70 years ago. R.T.C.R.]
Then around the same time, with regard to moving on from the Spirit World to explore other planets and galaxies, Lord Dowding, who had died in 1970, had this to say to Cynthia Sandys in the mid-1970s:- "I have been among the planets and sized them up in my own way, and realized that we are a very small solar system, but it is ours, and we have been given a leading role in the development and growth of this sytem; no mean project, and extremely exciting.
These other planets are composed so differently, that is the amazing part; it remains for us to help construct thought bodies and perhaps psychic bodies which are able to live and to work and grow under quite different conditions. Some of the bigger planets are almost unformed, where we can grow the etheric or astral forms who evolve with the planet. Neptune and Uranus come into this category; while on earth we are creating the minds with which to fashion these advancing worlds.
It's a great project, when our earth seems to be in such turmoil, but the output of advanced souls from these conflicting areas is enormous. They seem to conclude their physical evolution here and then go on to the astral and the etheric to work on the next planet of their choice. Very many have been chosen from India because of their advanced astral and etheric bodies. Here in Europe we are so practical and down to earth that to us is given the power to enter the auras of Mars and Venus."
There is no doubt that when Greta Wooodrew and Eduard Meier were entranced by ETs they were teleported, dematerialized, were able to melt metals, and apport materials from other galaxies. Space travel seems to be instantaneous, so many lights years can be traversed at once, which would take many years of physical travel in a space craft. Astronauts would not be able to survive or outlive such a physical journey, so mind and spirit travel seems the only way for us to reach further out into the physical universe.
Richard R.
Sources of information:
The Awakening Letters - editied by Cynthia Sandys and Rosamond Lehmann
On a Slide of Light and Memories of the Future, by Greta Woodrew
Light Years by Gary Kinder
Journal of Ashtar Sheran, Victor Speer Group, Berlin
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