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I have been careful to surround myself in positive energy. Troubles come and go like storms washing through my life almost as often as they do around my home in The Florida Keys. Meditation brings that peace and calm that centers and grounds me and it is with this energy that I wish to reside. But how can I stay there when I come into contact with unfavorable energies that seem stuck in mud?
Finding that island of peace has helped me to grow and learn. My heart seems to expand each day opening my eyes to the needs of others, and I find myself venturing into uncharted waters. I was invited to join a social network group where like minded people encouraged and supported one another through good times and bad. I met some wonderful people and the dynamics of the group felt like a spiritual boost each time I stopped by. But something happened to the intention and focus of this group and like a small snowball it began rolling and growing until it became an unstoppable mound of negative energy. Snarky comments, snippets of anger couched in defensive statements reminded me of my dogmatic church days... and it all felt so wrong. People pointing fingers with accusations and as I tried to make sense of it... tried to remove myself from this anger I was reminded of what can happen to good ideas when you lose your passion of purpose.
As children we often found ourselves in situations when we felt unliked...unwanted. Maybe we were pushed aside by the older kids, maybe we felt we were unpopular or maybe we just gave up trying to fit in. Many of those children have grown up to raise children and grandchildren of their own. Perhaps even some of the people in your social network. And here they are years later no longer on the school ground but in the internet playground. There is a disagreement and instead of working it out, understanding the lessons to be learned, challenges that need to be faced they do something that is much easier...they UN-friend you. It's something our parents and grandparents were never faced with and it can happen in a click of a keyboard. Like a slap in the face from someone you may never actually have met and only knew via a thumbnail icon on your screen. All trust vanished in a heartbeat. What can we learn from this?
Walk with integrity, continue to be true to yourself. Help one another and when negative energy starts to raise its ugly head- don't get wrapped up in it. Remain silent and meditate. Give yourself permission to cut the ties and move away. Even writing this blog I questioned if this was keeping the negative energy up in the air twirling like a plate on a stick. It is my hope that this post can help others to stop and think before they say or do something (like un-friending) that can truly cause others to feel less of themselves. Learn how to AGREE TO DISAGREE - and use it wisely in your relationships.
We're each on a journey and cross paths from time to time and hopefully it's to share the joy and blessings we find along our way. We may stumble and fall... but we can pick ourselves up, brush away the dust and look ahead to a brighter future... one filled with strong winds, rough seas and sunny days. Peace to ALL of you, may your days be filled with love and light always.
To learn how you can meditate please read
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