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As I wake to the cries of the Osprey living outside my balcony I am moved by it's alluring beauty. I am fixated by its hunting skills as he glides past me carrying breakfast dripping from his talons. I sip my coffee and after a light meal I lace up my sneakers still hearing his loud chirping cries. I begin my morning exercise as the Osprey flies overhead appearing to be joining me stopping to perch on tall trees and buildings.
I cross the bridge and gaze into the water looking for the dolphins that sometimes entertain me with their dazzling leaps and somersaults. I continue on my way listening to my headphones with the volume turned up high to hear above the noisy traffic. A squawking bird is making so much clatter it breaks my concentration so I switch to pause mode looking up to see who is making all the fuss. I shouldn't be surprised to find it's the large white Osprey landing on the light pole above me. I send it loving thoughts and tell it how beautiful it is. It begins to preen and I move on down the walkway. I continue my journey meeting the various shore birds along my way. There are spoonbills, egrets, herons, pelicans and many more that I haven't identified as yet. I circle back to climb up and over the bridge and two rays are gliding along splashing the surface. Surrounded by such beauty of nature effects me and I can feel my heart swell. My footsteps seem to float as I think about all of the life that has revealed itself to me. Are they just as moved to meet me? I return home to find the Osprey sitting on a branch near my front door. I stare dumbfounded as it wobbles it's head back and forth... is it waving to me? I shake my head and try to ignore this bird who seems to be contacting me.
In the mid-afternoon I take a break and step out onto the balcony as two of them now circle overhead swooping near me as they call out in passing. I spend the rest of my day working in my office and occ
asionally glance towards the beautiful Clearwater Bay. My windows are palm tree level and as the birds cross my vision I find myself daydreaming and not getting much work accomplished….
Now it is sunset and I am relaxing on the balcony watching the sailboats and tourists sipping cocktails on their chartered cruises. All is peaceful as I sink back into my chair. I breath in the salt air and something catches my eye and I look a little closer - yes it's an Osprey perched like a sentinel on the corner of a building nearby. I close my eyes and thank him for this precious gift of friendship. He sends me back his calm reply, "I have always been here."
It is in these moments that I am moved to meditation. I want to open myself to the wonders that have been beside me all of my life. Who are these guides…and why have they appeared in my journey …or have I appeared in theirs? Perhaps we are here for each other. I often hear messages during meditation and at first it was unsettling. Now I understand this gift and I am able to move past the voice to hear the message. I am being called to look closer at my surroundings. The Osprey is helping me open my vision to the needs of others.
Here is the osprey cry
I am doing more research on Osprey Totems as I truly feel they are here for a purpose...have you made contacts with your guides?
If not then try meditation and set your intent on meeting them. It is one of the best ways to start. To learn how you can do this simple self-connection please read How to Meditate
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