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On New Year’s Day I took a trip as did the many others to Southend-on-Sea in Essex, mainly to clear the cobwebs away from the party celebrations the night before. I opted out of visiting the busier parts of the coast for the more tranquil, Westcliff-on-Sea. There you can enjoy the beautiful gardens on top of the cliffs. I took my autistic daughter with me as we both love to explore the wonders of nature together; it’s one of the main ways we can communicate with each other and make our father-daughter bond stronger. Her linear speaking skills haven’t developed and perhaps never will, who knows, perhaps we’re moving into a greater spiritual awareness where we will need these skills them less and less.
Anyway, whilst there walking through the well kept gardens I started to think about our reality. I often think about these things, I drive my friends and family nuts as I seem to disappear into my own autistic world much of the time.

On this occasion I was thinking about numerology and how the numbers seems to be intricately linked to our personal behaviour and disposition, mainly using the numbers derived from our birth date and name. Numerologists can also tell us in quite good detail what to expect for the coming year as well, all based on a manmade Gregorian date system.

Now this is where I started to delve into my mind as I didn’t quite understand how the Gregorian system introduced by Pope Gregory XIII in 1582 and the original Julian date system introduced in 45bc could tie into Numerology, if it’s man made then how could this be?.

The reason I started to think this way was because the Mayans had developed an infinitely more advanced calendar that is/was totally connected to the cycles of the Milky Way galaxy, not just our minuscule movement around one celestial object, our Sun as the Gregorian system does today. Many forward thinking experts believe that the Gregorian type system was introduced to disconnect man from the greater reality, thus enslaving man into ego and materialism. The Mayan system is so advanced that is takes into account not only our movements around the sun but also our movement through the Milky Way galaxy and the changes that could occur when passing through the galactic plane, something that happens every 26,000 years. An event that is happening right now and reaching it’s peak on the 21st Dec 2012.
We read so many channelled messages giving readings for a particular year, for example 2009 adds up to 11 in numerology 1 + 1 = 2, so 2009 is the number 2. But if our calendar was man made by people who wanted to disconnect us from the greater reality then how can numerology work?
At this point in my walk, I just had to let it go. I resided myself to the fact that perhaps it doesn’t work after all and that people who claim it does are being lucky (which doesn’t really exist, oh what a conundrum) but before you start adding any angry comments below, especially if your somebody who practices numerology, the answers then suddenly came moments later, dropping into my mind with no other thought leading me to it. The best time for answers to come is when the mind is in a meditational type state, the traditional way is great but it also works when doing something you enjoy. In my case I was really enjoying my walk through nature.
The answer that came was one that I kind of knew but I had never really applied in this way before. To understand how all this can work you have to understand the nature of our reality from a quantum and metaphysical understanding, both complement each other. Spiritual science is the new way forward. We need to apply both if we are to progress in a much more technical loving way as a species.

I’m not a physicist’s so I will try to explain from a lay person point of view. The reality we live in is very much like a hologram, every part contains the whole. If you change one then instantly all parts reflects the change. This reality isn’t really made up of solid objects that are lifeless and have no purpose. Everything that you see is made up of an infinite sea of waves; these waves are pure intelligent living consciousness. We are observers of this reality, by the very presence or focus of our spark of consciousness we are actually holding the hologram together as a collective. As we observe our reality, the waves (which are apperently unobserved) change their function into particles which then shape the reality we see, hear, smell, touch, taste and sense. Our emotions, thoughts and even powerful ritual harmonic sounds can have a big impact on this field to help shape and mould the realty we live in. We are basically inside the most advanced and infinitely powerful virtual computer reality environment you could ever hope to find.

Whilst walking along the beach I was in awe watching the sea ebb and flow, fascinated how the waves rolled in, and creating perfect geometric concentric circles as they hit various objects in their path. I watched the beautiful formation of sea birds flying across the creator’s animated canvas in front of me, taking delight in the majesty of such computer programming skills. The scene that unfolded made me realise that if you view the world this way you start to appreciate the magic of every moment, everything becomes alive. The colours seem to stand out, the rocks become alive. Do you know that you and everything that you can see in your line of sight is being created again and again very quickly? Nothing is just there; everything is being created all the time. You’re being rendered or created all the time, like a projector displaying a movie.
Now how does this fit into the Numerology question I hear you ask? Well this physical reality isn’t the only play ground that we take part in. As infinite intelligent beings we are consciousness itself. We are the field that exists in all things. There is a saying “As above, so below”. Our reality is driven from this field of consciousness; we exist inside this like bumps on the very fabric of time and space. This is the tapestry of life. Everything that we see in the physical is a reflection; we are the living physical manifestation representing this very field of consciousness.

The Mayan elders have passed down knowledge of the current theme which is ending and how it relates to our present reality and how the next theme is based on love and unity, at last I hear you cry. The cycle that we’re about to leave and have been in for a long time was themed around the concept of duality, separation and control, a concept where the dark has been able to take a grip of our reality. As co-creators and active participants we have helped generate the physical reflection that we see around us. All the pyramid systems of control, such as money and governments are just manifestations that have filled the role perfectly.
So the physical (so below) is just a reflection of that which is above, consciousness. The Gregorian date system is just a manifestation within this consciousness theme. It’s no mistake or coincidence then that the dates fit numerology perfectly. Matter doesn’t shape consciousness; it’s the other way round. Our reality shapes itself around this energy which is intelligent. Mathematics and numbers are the language of the universe. The same way a computer works through ones and zeros.
So our collective intelligent consciousness is the general screen writer for the play. Our reality is the projected physical version of the script on to the cinema screen. Because we’re all part of this collective consciousness we can make subtle changes within the movie based on how we think and feel. The general screen play is set, however there are an infinite number of ways to play the roles. It’s up to us to bring our own unique creative expression to it.
Next time I will talk about lucid dreaming and tips on connecting to your higher self.
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