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Michelle Jones
Psychic Medium,
Writer & Author
Angel Blessings
by Michelle Jones
I describe myself as a sceptical believer. Although I have had psychic and paranormal experiences throughout my life I still like to investigate each experience to try to find 'rational' explanations.
Some things however, defy that rational interpretation.
I was diagnosed with category 3 Breast Cancer in October 2004, and although my physical body was recovering, (I am now clear, God willing) my spiritual self was in trouble. I felt cut off and abandoned.
One night in June 2005 I awoke around 2.30am to see what appeared to be two glowing heads, floating about six feet from my side. Each was the size of a football and had glowing golden tendrils waving beneath it - a bit like a jellyfish. I immediately assumed that this was an effect caused by light and shadows through the open curtains and I got up to see.
I wiggled the curtains and opened and closed the window but this had no effect, still, maybe I was not fully awake, so I nipped off to the bathroom, turned the light on to make sure I was definitely conscious and then returned to the bedroom. The heads were still there – and were three dimensional! I sat and stared at them for some time; although I was given the impression that there were faces looking back at me the features were blurred. At no time was I afraid - in fact I felt quite at ease.
Eventually, I went back to sleep. The following night, awaking at around the same time, there was no sign of them, nor could I recreate it by twitching curtains, or moving things around to create shadows.
However they did return, a couple of nights later, when again waking at 2.30a.m I found them hovering above my head. I lay there watching them and drinking in the feelings of love and healing.
I believe that these were Angels sent to reassure me that I had not been abandoned; and since then, I have gone from strength to strength. I feel that I am now on a sort of spiritual broadband, having been on dial up all these years!
I would like to pass on this message to others who may be dealing with difficult times in their lives. The Angels and those in Spirit are always watching over us; ask for help and it will be given…and trust the reply.
Michelle Jones is a psychic medium, writer and author. She writes a monthly column on Angels for ‘Chat-It’s Fate’ magazine.She can be contacted via her website at www,
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