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15th July -
Solar System
On the 15th July this solar system crop circle formation appeared in a corn field in Avebury Manor, nr Avebury in Wiltshire. What's interesting about this formation is that various astrologers have deduced that the formation pin points the position our planets will be in around Dec 2012. This is a key date among new age philosophies, especially with the Mayan long count calendar coming to an end. Their is speculation that this will herald a new golden age where mankind starts to move into a much higher state of consciousness and being.
A week later on the 22nd of July, after the farmer chose to mow three lines through the formation, the design changed for a second time. This time it incorporated what appears to be either a comet or another type of planetary body (comet or perhaps planet X) moving into our solar system. Is this a sign that something significant will happen within our solar system around December 2012. As these extra cosmic bodies appeared the sun also enlarged to swallow Mercury and Venus. Could this indicate that the extra bodies moving in will affect our sun, making it heat up.
Also another huge formation appeared at the bottom of the field which seems to show our planet with it's moon orbiting the sun and to the right another circle showing the moon phases and the direction our our moon will be in when this celestial body appears.
My father in-law came over for dinner last night, he sits regularly in a spiritual development circle, they perform quite a few spirit rescues amongst other things. On the Monday night just gone they had an aborigine guide/spirit come through who predicated that some kind of heavenly body will appear in our solar system very soon tha

22nd July -
Added Planet/comets?
t will be a gift from spirit. My father in-law doesn't know anything about crop circles and I hadn't shared my interest with him on this subject, so I was quite blown away with the possible connection. If we are moving into a golden age as the age old philosophies and recent channellings are telling us, perhaps this event will be the catalyst that is needed in some way to wake us up to our full spiritual potential. These are truly exciting times ahead. In the long term I believe this to be a very positive event for us and the planet. Indeed something needs to happen to get us past the disproportionate greed and fear on this planet so that everybody can share in the abundance that life offers.
Updated: 25th Sep 2008
My father in law's circle had another prediction last night regarding a large storm in October that would affect us (He didn't enquire if it was a world event so it may be UK related). He also didn't question whether the word storm was symbolic or used in the normal sense. Either way there is a good probability of something happening if we stay on the same time line potential as the prediction. There has been chatter amongst the conspiracy theory community recently of a possible Solar storm, one happened in 1858 but didn't do much damage as electricity was still in it's infancy, if it were to occur today it could potentially take down the grid system.
Info about 1858 storm.
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